Alumni Email Address

Alumni Email Address

Yes, it is possible for you to have an SPU Email Address.  If you graduated before 1984, your Academic Record probably isn't in the Banner Info System.  We'll first need to get your information into the Banner Info System, before getting you setup with an email address.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Please contact Student Academic Services (SAS) at sasinfo@spu.edu for getting your record moved into the Banner Info System.  
    1. You may need to provide your SSN via phone, full legal name, major/degree earned and year that you graduated, so SAS can locate your records.
  2. Once this is taken care of, we'll be able to assist you with setting up your SPU Email account via www.spu.edu/findmyid or you could contact the CIS HelpDesk at 206-281-2982 and one of our Technicians could assist you too.