Instructions for Content Methods Registration

Instructions for Content Methods Registration

 If you have Content Methods on your checksheet for Winter quarter 2023, please note that the section you take will depend on your endorsement. Please see the chart below for what section corresponds to what endorsement. 

If you are student endorsing in Elementary Education or Music:

Take EDU 6136: Content Methods: Elementary


If you are an English Language Arts endorser:Take EDU 6361 Secondary English Methods


If you are an In-Person History and/or Social Studies endorser:Take EDU 6364 Teaching Secondary Social Studies 20653

If you are an Online History and/or Social Studies endorser:

Take EDU 6136: Content Methods: Book Study


If you are  endorsing in anything else not listed above (e.g. world language, Health and Fitness, SpEd only, library, visual arts, etc):

Take EDU 6136: Content Methods: Book Study