Official Transcripts

Official Transcripts


SPU students have two options to order official transcripts. The first does NOT require logging into SPU, the second does:

1. You can order directly through The National Student Clearinghouse. This will NOT require you to log in to your SPU account. 

  • Search for “Seattle Pacific University” and click continue  
  • Be sure to read the text listed in the School Notifications section
  • After you read the text in its entirety, scroll down and select the green ‘ORDER TRANSCRIPT(S)’ button

Please be aware you will need to pay by credit card at the time of your request. The cost of an official transcript will include the $10 SPU fee, a National Student Clearinghouse fee and any mailing costs associated with the delivery method selected. 

To check the status of your order, utilize the Transcript Order Status Tool.

2. You can log into your Seattle Pacific account:

  • Go to the SPU website
  • Click MySPU in the Upper right corner
  • Click Banner
  • You will see a Sign In screen. Enter your SPU username with @spu.edu at the end (USERNAME@spu.edu)
  • Select ‘Student Menu’
  • ‘Academic Records Menu’
  • ‘Official Transcripts and Enrollment Verifications (NSC MyHub)’
  • You will be redirected to the National Student Clearinghouse MyHub
  • Finally, select ‘Order Transcript’ and be sure to read the text listed in the School Notifications section
  • After you read the text in its entirety, scroll down and select the green ‘ORDER TRANSCRIPT(S)’ button

Please be aware you will need to pay by credit card at the time of your request. The cost of an official transcript will include the $10 SPU fee, a National Student Clearinghouse fee and any mailing costs associated with the delivery method selected. 

To check the status of your order, utilize the Transcript Order Status Tool.



  • Typically sent within an hour if no holds exist on student’s account
  • Attachments reviewed within two business days


  • Sent daily (Monday-Saturday), if no holds exist on student’s account
  • Attachments reviewed within two business days
  • Express mailing options available for additional fee

Pick up

  • Available the following business day if no holds exist on student’s account.


Any student with coursework prior to 1984, who has not ordered a transcript in the last 10 years, should first email registrar@spu.edu stating their intent to place an order. Please include your full current name, name as it was during attendance, and approximate dates of attendance. We will enter your academic history from our legacy system into Banner and reply to your email when you are able to place your order online.

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