All MFP Locations

All MFP Locations


There are MFP's spread across campus.  Some are located in departments and you may not have access to them based on the specific department's hours of operations or department procedures, but there are still many MFP's that are publicly available for you to use.

MFP Locations

In the table below, if the building has Shared listed as the department, it's an  MFP that's managed by CIS. In other cases, where a department is listed and its publicly available, it means the dept also uses it as their primary printing device.



6 Nickerson


2nd Floor
26 NickersonSHS1st Floor
3Alexander HallSOT/CAS1st Floor
4Alexander HallSOT/CAS3rd Floor
5Arnett HallShared1st Floor Lobby
6Art CenterArtMain Floor Front Office 
7Ashton Hall
Shared1st floor lobby
8BertonaSharedBetween classroom 5 and 6
9The Store (Formerly Bookstore)SharedBy front window
10Crawford Music BuildingFPA2nd Floor 202
11Kingswood HouseCBTEMain Floor
12Demaray HallSFSLower Level - SFS Offices
13Demaray HallSFSLower Level - SFS/SOE Offices
14Demaray HallAdmissions1st Floor 115
15Demaray HallOTR1st Floor 152
16Demaray HallEMM1st floor 153
17Demaray HallExec Office2nd Floor
18Demaray HallShared2nd Floor Hallway
19Demaray HallShared3rd Floor Hallway
20Eaton HallSharedLobby
21Eaton HallSTEM1st Floor Admin Office/Mail Room
22Emerson HallSharedMain Floor Lobby
23Hill HallSharedMain Floor Lobby
24Human ResourcesHRMain Floor Front Desk
25LibraryCirculationMain Floor
26LibrarySharedMain Floor
27LibrarySharedMain Floor
28LibraryShared2nd floor Hallway
29Marston HallSharedLower Marston Hall CIS HelpDesk
30Marston HallSPFC1st Floor 126
31Marston HallHumanities2nd Floor near front desk
32Marston HallSCCWatson Hall
33Moyer HallASCLower Level
34Nickerson StudiosFPABack by Kitchen Area
35Otto Miller HallShared2nd Floor OMH Front Study Area
36Otto Miller HallSharedMain Floor Lobby
37University ServicesOUS/ConfServUpper Level
38Peterson HallShared2nd Floor Main Entrance
39Peterson HallSOE3rd Floor Reception Area
40Royal Brougham PavilionAthletics2nd Floor 
41Royal Brougham PavilionAthletics1st Floor PE & Coach Offices
42McKenna HallCIBCenter House Main Floor
43McKenna HallSBGE2nd Floor Main Office
44Safety & SecurityOSSMain Floor
45Student Union BuildingShared1st Floor
46Student Union BuildingOSIL2nd Floor
47Walls Advancement CenterFinanceMain Floor Front Area
48Walls Advancement CenterAdvancement & AlumniMain Floor Middle/Back Area
49Weter Memorial HallStudent Programs3rd Floor Weter
50Camp Casey Conference CenterOUS/CaseyCamp Casey

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