As a student, you are responsible for ensuring you are on track to graduate and have completed all course and non-credit requirements. Banner Degree Check will allow you to track your program and ensure you are completing all of the course required. In the year that you plan to graduate, it is important that you review your Banner degree check to make sure you are on track and are not missing anything. During winter quarter, the Associate Director of Graduate Programs will send out a reminder about this to all students who have applied to graduate for that calendar year. Here are the directions for reviewing your degree check.
Teacher Education Students
Students who are enrolled in a Master of Art in Teaching (via accelerated or traditional 2 year) or a Master of Teaching Math and Science program cannot earn their degrees until the certification office has verified your program completion to OSPI. This does include non-course related items such as background endorsement courses, draft professional growth plans, fingerprints, tests, etc. While uncommon, a student could have all of their coursework done but be ineligible for the degree due to the status of their certificate.
Per WAC 181-82A-204: (5) Only course work in which an individual received a grade of C (2.0) or higher or a grade of pass on a pass-fail system of grading shall be counted toward the course work required for the approved endorsement program. http://apps.leg.wa.gov/WAC/default.aspx?cite=181-82A-204
In the event a student finds themselves in a situation where they will not earn their residency teaching certificate at all, please be in communication with the Director of Graduate Teacher Education. We do our best to work with all students to come up with a plan.