STEM Support and Services

STEM Support and Services


We propose to move the EGR/SCI Systems Analyst (ESSA) position from CAS-Engineering to Computer & Information Systems. We believe that CIS is able to deliver the same or higher levels of technical support for the computer software, services, and systems outlined in this agreement. The Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) programs, labs, faculty, and staff in Otto Miller Hall (OMH), Eaton Hall (EH), and the Blakely Island Field Station (BIFS) would be provided priority level support by CIS under this agreement. 

Service Level Agreement

  1. Regardless of other .25 FTE CIS duties, priority will always be given first and foremost to STEM assignments, projects, tasks and other duties.
  2. Service requests will be managed and tracked through the CIS WebHelpDesk ticketing system for intake, scheduling, follow-through, and service delivery assurances.
  3. CIS will be accountable to the CAS Dean, CAS-Engineering, STEM faculty, staff and lab managers to assure satisfactory levels of service delivery and support.

Table of Contents

Version:  1.0 

Effective Date:   November 5, 2012 
Last Updated: November 5, 2012 

Business Unit Partner:
Computer & Information Systems
Responsible Executives: 
Dave Tindall, Assistant VP for Technology Services, Computer and Information Systems
Kevin Bolding, Interim Director of Engineering and Computer Science Programs

Position and Funding

  1. CIS will assume responsibility to hire, train and supervise a new 1.0 FTE MicroSystems Analyst position. This will be a permanent, full-time, exempt staff, range IS-08 position that reports to CIS. This is the same position and salary of other CIS staff members within the Technology Support Services team.
  2. The MicroSystems Analyst position will be managed by CIS but functional duties, tasks, and deliverables will be carefully coordinated and mutually agreed to with STEM faculty and staff.
  3. CAS will transfer appropriate funds for .75 FTE of this position from the existing EGR-SCI Systems Analyst position (exact budget line TBD).
  4. CIS will provide at least .75 FTE of assigned support directly related to the requests and needs for computer software, hardware, and systems support for STEM programs, faculty and staff.
    1. This support will be provided by a primary assigned MicroSystems Analyst – or by other members of CIS who will be trained to support the needs of STEM programs, faculty and staff.
    2. CIS will provide backup and coverage for STEM needs during vacations, illness, and normal CIS extended service hours, including evening and weekend support.
    3. CIS will provide server administration/server support and expertise for those resources under this agreement (on existing STEM server hardware, or merged with existing CIS supported resources)
  5. CAS will transfer appropriate funds for student labor assistance directly related to the support of STEM faculty, staff and programs (exact budget line TBD).

Office space for this position will be provided in both CIS (Lower Marston Hall) and in OMH to facilitate performance of duties and provide service and support. 

General Duties to be assumed by CIS

  • Manage computer hardware for STEM labs.
  • Manage computer software including licensing for STEM labs.
  • Manage computer infrastructure needed specifically for STEM labs.
  • Manage computer hardware and software located at BIFS.
  • Manage purchasing for computer hardware, software and equipment for STEM labs (including the departments of EE, CS, MAT, PHY, BIO, and CHM, and the Blakely Island Field Station)
  • Manage specialized (beyond the standard classroom setup) computer hardware, software and equipment needed for STEM classrooms.
  • Assist with the purchasing and maintaining of printers in OMH, Eaton Hall, and BIFS.
  • Purchase and configure "Science Labs" software as part of the "Academic" SCCM software build.
  • Consult with STEM departments for any course specific software that needs to be installed on collections of computers in individual classrooms.
  • Maintain Active Directory objects and group policies that apply specifically to the lab computers in Otto Miller and Eaton Halls (including printer installation, network drive mapping, user permissions, etc…)
  • Maintain and configure computer server hardware and resources:
    • VMWare server environment (vSphere Essentials Plus server)
    • Academic software license servers (For applications like Matlab, LabVIEW, Maple)
    • Academic software database servers (Such as CISPro and WASP)
    • Academic web servers (Specifically for the CS and EE depts)
    • Print and File storage servers for use in OMH and EH
    • Backup and redundancy servers
  • Service department-owned or grant-funded computer hardware dedicated to lab equipment in OMH and EH. For example, EE249-uPrint that runs the 3D printer in OMH, or CHM332-GCMS that supports dedicated, analytical hardware in EH.
  • Assist STEM faculty and staff in troubleshooting issues regarding instructional classroom technology and podiums in OMH and EH

Academic Lab Pools and Funding

  1. CIS will assist STEM programs, faculty, and staff to plan and coordinate resources allocated from the Academic Lab equipment pools. [note: CIS does not control or manage those academic budget funds or pools.]

  2. CIS will assist STEM programs, faculty, and staff in the purchases, installation, and surplus of equipment covered under the Academic Lab equipment pools (including leveraging purchase agreements and hardware standards to meet the needs of STEM programs).

Academic Lab Student Lab Managers

It is understood that hiring and supervising student employees to manage the academic labs in OMH is NOT included under this proposal. Those students and all budget resources associated with the day-to-day lab support will be maintained by existing processes.

Transition and Timeframe

Understanding that the current EGR/SCI Systems Analyst has announced plans to leave this position by December 2012, CIS will offer the following transition proposal. Provided that all essential parties agree to this agreement:

  • CIS will assign an existing CIS MicroSystems Analyst to assume duties in support of the STEM programs and faculty at the start of January 2013.
  • CIS will begin efforts to recruit and hire a full-time staff member
  • CIS will assume support of existing server and server resources until such a time a more detailed analysis and planning can be completed.

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