CIS Network and Telecommunications Charge-back

CIS Network and Telecommunications Charge-back

Statement and Purpose

Computer and Information Systems is responsible for the ongoing maintenance and health of network and telephony services throughout campus. Some needs however, comprise an expansion of service, and in such instances warrant additional funding on the part of the sponsoring department. The purpose of this document is to clarify those rates and services that comprise an expansion or modification of service. Activities that are not itemized below are considered part of normal maintenance activity and do not involve charge-back to the requesting department.

Table of Contents

Policy Version: 1.0

Effective Date: September 5, 2005
Last Updated:
 October 4, 2017

Responsible Office:
Computer & Information Systems
Responsible Executive:
AVP for Information Technology / CIO

Charge-back Terms

The following charge-back rates pertain to operations, expansions and modifications of networking or telecommunications equipment and infrastructure. Note that any costs incurred by a department for network services or equipment do not imply that the department maintains ownership of the specific resource. All active electronics that extend the physical or logical provision of network and telephony service fall under the responsibility and ‘ownership’ of CIS. In this context, charge-back is more akin to an “activation fee” for which the funding department becomes entitled to CIS support, service and maintenance.

Charge-back Rates

  • New Telephone Service (University Departments)
    • DID extension: $400 one-time cost
    • Digital (Harris) telephone: $400 one-time cost
    • Analog telephone: $200 one-timecost

Buy-back provisions: In the event a department chooses to no longer use a DID or telephone, CIS will provide a buy-back reimbursement at 25% of the current new equipment cost.

  • Telephone Service: Contract Service Providers

There are some providers on campus (Sodexo, Bookstore, ACELI, etc.) who have designated office locations and require telephony service. Our service fees for these groups are as follows:

  • DID and Phone combination lease = $20 per month
  • Long distance and usage = monthly fees incurred by contractor phones is billed back at the rate of 110% of itemized long distance charges.
  • New Network Service
    There is no specific charge per network port or connection, however materials (non-electronic) may be billed at the discretion of CIS (see wiring modifications below).
  • Wiring Modifications
    • At the discretion of CIS, limited work may be conducted in-house without charge-back to the department.
    • Minor relocations and renovations that involved contract work shall be paid by the department at cost.
    • Major renovations are conducted as part of Facility Operations capital improvement projects.
    • All wiring installations and modifications are to be done in accordance with the “SPU NetTel Design and Construction Standards” policy manual.
  • Wireless Access Points
    • The campus uses the Aruba wireless system to support wireless connectivity throughout campus.
    • CIS regularly monitors the use of wireless across campus and seeks to expand coverage in areas of high use or inadequate signal strength. Departments wishing to have wireless coverage expansion should contact CIS to schedule an assessment of needs/requirements.
    • In the event that a department wishes to expand wireless coverage in advance of the scheduled/planned CIS time frame, appropriate charge-back rates will apply. In such instances, the department may bear the cost for equipment and installation.
    • All wireless access point installations are to be performed and managed by CIS or its designated project contractor in accordance with the “SPU NetTel Design and Construction Standards”.

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