Update Personal Information

Update Personal Information

If you need to make updates to your personal information, please begin with the Personal Information Menu or the Benefits Deductions Menu in Banner, or complete the Employee Information Change Form. These changes include but are not limited to: marital status, legal name, dependents, phone, address, religious affiliation, ethnicity, etc.

Changes in marital status and/or legal name will require submission of documentation through the HR digital Dropbox or by bringing it into HR. It is also possible that you may need to complete a new I-9 form with Human Resources, if the identification you used to complete your original I-9 has expired at the time of your legal name change. HR will let you know if a new I-9 is necessary.


Banner Personal Information Menu


Benefits and Deductions Menu


NOTE: Depending on your update, you may need to consider updates to the items below.

  • W-4 Update for a marital or legal dependent status change

  • Update Beneficiaries:

  • Benefit Changes: A family status change could qualify as a life event enabling you to make changes to your benefits outside of Open Enrollment. Click here to check eligibility. For more information, please contact Cherylin Shdo at Shdoc@spu.edu.

  • Email: To update your email, please use the following path in Banner/Personal Menu/Computer Accounts Menu/Change Your Username

  • Falcon Card: Once your legal name has been updated in the system, you can schedule an appointment with Falcon Card Services to obtain a new Falcon Card with your new legal name.