Employee Resources - Preparing for the 2023 Plan Year

Employee Resources - Preparing for the 2023 Plan Year

Summary of the 2023 Plan Year Changes

Service providers for the upcoming 2023 plan year remain the same

The only changes for 2022 are minor benefit changes that will become effective on January 1, 2023. The general structure and design of the actual plan offerings are not changing, nor the service providers. There are updates being made to the prescription drug formulary.

Open Enrollment changes are made through the Banner self-service portal. Please CLICK HERE to review the complete 2023 SPU Benefits Guide.

With questions regarding specifics of the medical plan coverage or benefits, please contact the Aetna Concierge line at 1 (833) 735-0680.

Table of Contents

Employee Resources for Navigating Open Enrollment

To help you with your benefit decisions, Human Resources is hosting its annual Benefits Fair. Take a few minutes to stroll around the fair and enjoy some snacks with your co-workers. This will be an opportunity to hear presentations from benefit providers and learn how to make the most of your SPU benefits. Representatives from Aetna, HSA Bank, Delta Dental, VSP, Transamerica and others will be on hand to answer your questions and concerns,. Please see the full list of Open Enrollment Informational sessions that have been made available for the 2023 plan year below. 

SPU Open Enrollment Informational Sessions



Session and Presenter(s)

Link or location

Oct 20th

9:00am - 2:00pm

SPU Benefits Fair

Upper Gwinn
Oct 26th1:00pm - 2:00pmSPU Retirement Plan Essentials Webinar (Transamerica)Register Here
Nov 1stTBDTransamerica One-on-One AppointmentsSchedule Here

Nov 2nd


Transamerica One-on-One Appointments

Schedule Here

Links to Explore Aetna Medical Plan and Prescription Service Providers

Aetna became the SPU medical plan service provider on January 1, 2021. The network for all medical plans (providing services at In-network coverage levels) is the “Aetna Choice POS II (Open Access)” network. CLICK HERE to search this network. If you have difficulty working with Aetna, please contact the Aetna Concierge line at 1 (833) 735-0680. If that does not resolve your problem, please contact SPU Human Resources.

The prescription drug network is the “Aetna National Pharmacy Network”. To search the pharmacy network, CLICK HERE and select the “Aetna National Pharmacy Network” in the “Select a Plan” drop-down menu. If you would like to review the prescription drug formulary, CLICK HERE.

For current Aetna members, it is best to log into the Aetna member portal and use the tools “Find Care & Pricing” or “Find a Pharmacy."

Important Plan Documents and Annual Notices

If you have detailed questions or would like to request hardcopies of any benefits information, please contact in Human Resources at (206) 281-2809 or email hr@spu.edu. 

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