Purchase Requisitions / Purchase Orders

Purchase Requisitions / Purchase Orders

To download a Purchase Order form, please visit the Accounts Payable Forms page.

Purchase Requisition / Purchase Order Process

  • Department identifies required specifications and selects appropriate vendor to provide goods or services. See the SPU Purchasing Policy for more details.

  • Department completes Purchase Requisition for purchase of goods/services and submits, to Finance, via JIRA. Your Department supervisor, with appropriate Purchasing Authority, should approve the Purchase Requisition in Jira.

  • If the purchase is grant related, additional approval must be received from the Office of Sponsored Programs. If a purchase relates to a designated fund, the Department’s Budget Manager must review the request to ensure it is in line with fund rules. These additional approvals should be documented in the Jira ticket.

  • Accounts Payable reviews the request and prepares the Purchase Order. Copies of the Purchase Order are forwarded to originating department for their review. If no feedback is received within 24 hours, the completed Purchase Order is sent to the vendor.

  • Typical turnaround time for Accounts Payable to convert a Purchase Requisition into a Purchase Order is 24 hours, provided the above criteria (appropriate approvals) are met.

  • Funds are encumbered for the amount of the Purchase Order.

  • Vendor ships goods or provides services to department.

  • Vendor forwards Invoice to Accounts Payable for processing.

  • Accounts Payable checks the invoice and forwards to originating department for payment approval via Jira.

  • Department completes payment portion of Purchase Order, attaches original invoice and forwards to AP Jira.

  • Accounts Payable issues payment to vendor.

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