Request for Payment (RFP)
  • Sandbox
  • Request for Payment (RFP)

    To download a Request for Payment form, please visit the Accounts Payable Forms page.


    Request for Payment (RFP) forms are completed when a payment is due to an individual, vendor, company, firm, or other organization outside the University that has provided, or will be providing, a product or service to the University. If the payment is for services rendered or goods purchased in the past, the payment will reference the invoice(s) provided to the University from the issuing company.  If the payment is for future services or goods, the Request for Payment will refer to applications or other forms associated with the purchase or service provided by the issuing company.

    If expenses total $25,000 or more, a Purchase Order is required.

    Request for Payment

    1. Department orders goods/services.

    2. Vendor ships goods or provides services to department.

    3. Vendor forwards invoice to Accounts Payable department for processing.

    4. Accounts Payable checks the invoice, opens a Jira ticket, and forwards to originating department for review and approval via Jira.

    5. Department Requisitioner completes RFP, attaches the original invoice and forwards to Department Approver (with Purchasing Authority) via Jira.

    6. Department Approver reviews and approves the RFP in Jira and forwards to Accounts Payable.

    7. Accounts Payable verifies Purchasing Authority.

    8. Accounts Payable issues payment to vendor.

    Rush Checks

    If a department submits a request for payment within five days of an invoice being due, a Rush Check may need to be raised. Accounts Payable will work with departments to determine if this is necessary. 

    When a department requests a rush check, the request must be approved by the Accounts Payable Supervisor.

    If the request is received prior to 3:30pm, it will be ready the next day.

    Due to the manual processes required for rush checks, the department will be charged a $75.00 processing fee. 

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