Accounts Payable FAQs & Resources
  • Sandbox
  • Accounts Payable FAQs & Resources

    General Accounts Payable FAQs

    1. W9s are required for any entity receiving payment from the University.  W9s provide the necessary information for year-end tax reporting to the IRS.

    2. Accounts Payable needs an updated W9 any time the information provided changes and/or every other year to keep our records updated.

    3. SPU System requires using a 2018 version of the W-9 form. The form must be signed with an original handwritten signature, or a digital signature (DocuSign or Adobe Sign) and the form must be dated within 2 years of receipt.

    A. If your invoice is not showing as having been processed in banner, you may also reach out to our A/P; payables@spu.edu

    • Review invoice to make sure it is accurate, and that the product or service received is as expected as terms agreed upon during purchase.

    • Once invoice is accurate and approved, forward the invoice on to Accounts Payable through the appropriate route as soon as possible since Accounts Payable doesn’t receive a second copy from the vendor (include an approval “ok to pay” note for faster processing).

    • Save a copy of the invoice for your records if desired.

    A. Submit your Request for Payment (RFP) through the Finance Jira ticketing system. On the RFP, check box “PICK UP WHEN READY” under the Disposition of Check section and enter the email address of requestor.

    Check requests for pick-up are exceptions processed in-house by the Finance Office and are only printed on Fridays. Please note this schedule when creating your Jira ticket and selecting the due date for check pick-up. The check will be available for pickup on the following day of the processing of the weekly payment run and an e-mail notification sent to the requestor notifying that it is ready. Please note that only Seattle Pacific University faculty, staff, and students are permitted to pick up checks at the Finance Office.


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