Purchasing Card FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

A. Contact the supplier. If it’s not resolved, contact US Bank at 1-800-344-5696. If it’s still not resolved, contact the Seattle Pacific University P-Card Administrator at pcard@spu.edu

A. If you encounter fraud on your account, please complete the following steps:

  • Inform US Bank at 1-800-344-5696 as soon as possible

  • Contact the Finance office at pcard@spu.edu

  • Please note: US Bank also sends fraud alert notifications to the SPU Accounts Payable (AP) office. If AP receives a fraud alert, they will directly contact the cardholder

A. Contact the P-Card Administrator at pcard@spu.edu and complete a Missing Affidavit form with your supervisor’s approval.

A. If you accidently make a personal payment using your card, then please complete the following:

  • Inform your Budget Manager / Supervisor as soon as possible

  • In US Bank Access Online, reclass the transaction to your default Fund/Organization/Account 71201 General Supplies. The transaction will be reversed from impacting your department’s budget once the personal payment is received

  • When submitting reimbursement by cash, check (payable to Seattle Pacific University) or card to the University due to accidental misuse of a P-Card:

    • Complete a Transmittal of Funds form and bring with payment to the Finance Office

    • Provide the name and SPU ID of the P-Card holder in the “Payment from/for” line

    • Check box “This is a Refund/Reimbursement”

    • Match the FOAA to the P-Card expenditure on your P-Card reclass. Code the transaction to your default Fund/Organization/Account 71201 General Supplies.

    • Count cash, check and card payments separately and provide the totals on their respective lines

    • Provide any information about purchases on the “Description” line

    • Note - contact Finance if you prefer to repay an accidental misuse of a P-Card via card. Finance can take payment via Square; associated fees will be passed on to the user.

A. Complete the P-Card Application Change Form

You can either destroy your card or hand it over to Finance who will destroy it on your behalf