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As DH150 was upgraded summer of 2023 and hybrid features were added in 2024, this page is an informational outline of the new features


and a tutorial for the touch panel that controls the system.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Hardware Upgrades


titleUpgrade Info



Replaced with a much brighter model.

Microphones: There are new microphones that will live in this space and have their own set of speakers–these are the ceiling-mounted speakers. There are seven total: 4 handhelds, 2 belt packs/lavalier, and 1 podium/gooseneck. There is also a Mics Only Mode on the touch panel if a user only needs this system for an event. Each microphone has its own volume level control on the touch panel, and there is a master microphone volume level control. The individual mic levels can be configured before an event, so even if you power off the system, the individual mic levels will remain the same–only the master mic level will default to a lower volume when the system is powered back on. 

Speakers: New ceiling speakers for the microphone system and new front speakers for the podium input audio (PC, laptop, and Blu-Ray). 

Blu-Ray: New Blu-Ray player, with controls directly on the touch panel. There will also be a physical remote provided. 

Touch Panel: Replaced the physical button touch panel that was under the desk with a digital screen that is on top of the desk. This is the only control system that users will need to touch to control the whole room (besides the wall-mounted screen up/down control). 

iPad: This will act as a secondary touch panel, such that you can move around the room and have a mobile control. To use this as a control, simply open the iPad and navigate to the Extron Control application. 

Written Instructions


titleThe Guided Touch Panel Walkthrough

This touch panel has a guided walkthrough you can access from the Start page (as seen in the photo below) or from the Help page at any time to get a refresh on the control system.

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The guided walkthrough has a page for each section: starting the system, input sources, projector controls, camera controls, microphone controls, volume, and the help page.

titleDisplay Content
  1. First, turn on the system by pressing anywhere on the touch screen.

    1. This will take you to the home page, with input sources and volume control (as seen below).

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  1. Select your input source: PC, Laptop, Doc Cam, or Blu-Ray player.

    1. PC: sign into the in-room desktop. It may be in extended mode, which treats the projector as a secondary screen and will only display when signed into the PC. To change it back to duplicate mode, navigate to Settings > System > Display > scroll to Multiple Displays > select Duplicate these displays from the drop-down menu.

    2. Laptop: plug in your device into the HDMI cable directly or use the USB-C adapter

    3. Doc Cam: Check that the Doc Cam is powered on--this should be indicated by its light.

    4. Blu-Ray: insert your DVD into the player, which is located below the desk to the right.

titleBlu-Ray Controls

When you select the Blu-Ray input, you will see the following control page:

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Here is the legend for these controls (this is also shown on the System Walkthrough):

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Additionally, there is a physical remote, located on the shelf below the lectern.

titleDoc Cam Controls

On the physical Doc Cam itself, there are the following buttons:

  1. Power: Turn the device on/off.

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  2. Source: Currently, there is no need to use this button since the only connected source is the doc cam itself.

  3. Menu: Open an extended pop-up menu on the screen to change the camera’s display settings.

  4. Esc: Close the pop-up menu.

  5. Enter & Arrows: Select options on the pop-up menu.

  6. Increase Brightness:

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  7. Decrease Brightness:

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  8. Zoom+: zooms in.

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  9. Zoom-: zooms out.

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  10. Capture: (Requires an SD card) Capture a still image.

  11. Record: (Requires an SD card) Record a video.

  12. Freeze: Freeze the live image.

  13. Focus: Auto-focus the live image.

  14. Light Level: You can select three light modes: Off, Low, and High. Located on the top of the doc cam--see the image below:

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titleConferencing & Recording (including cam & mic controls)

You can utilize the microphones and camera on either the in-room PC or your personal laptop for conferencing & recording.


If you are switching between the PC and laptop inputs while using the hybrid features, you may need to disconnect/reconnect the Cam & Mics USB-A cable to your laptop if these devices are not detected automatically.

Selecting Inputs

PC: Teams, Zoom, and Panopto should auto-select the camera & microphones as these are already connected to the desktop.

  • On your application of choice, select Mediaport 300 for both inputs if these aren’t auto-selected.

Laptop: Plug in the USB cable labeled as “Cam & Mics” and then Teams, Zoom, and Panopto should auto-select these.

  • On your application of choice, select Mediaport 300 for both inputs if these aren’t auto-selected.


Make sure to turn off “Mirror my video” in Zoom & Teams so remote users will not see your projector or whiteboard content backwards.

*This is unnecessary in Panopto as it doesn’t have a mirror option.

Teams: After starting your meeting, Click the ^ on the camera > More video effects and settings > Settings > untoggle Mirror my video

Zoom: After starting your meeting, Click the ^ on the camera > Video Settings… > under My Video, uncheck Mirror my video

Recording Instructions

You can record directly in Teams or Zoom while conferencing or simply record sessions in Panopto.


  • To begin recording, click … More > select either record to the cloud or record on this computer.

  • To end or pause recording:

    • To pause, select … More again > pause recording.

    • To end, you can either click … More again > end recording OR simply end the meeting to also end & save the recording.


  • To begin recording, click … More > Record and transcribe > Start recording.

  • To stop recording, click … More again > Record and transcribe > Stop recording OR simply end the meeting to also end & save the recording.


*For more Panopto training, please contact the office of Education Technology Media (ETM) at

Camera & Mic Controls

Camera controls

  • There are two locked presets for the camera: the wide-angle view and the zoomed-in view of the front of the room. There is also an auto-tracking mode that can be toggled on to follow the presenter.

    • Users can set presets 3 & 4 as desired by positioning the camera with the directional arrows & zoom in/out controls and then holding buttons 3 or 4 for 3 seconds. See the camera control page below.

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Microphone Controls

There are 7 microphones: a gooseneck/podium, 2 lapel/belt packs, and 4 handhelds. While amplifying your voice locally, the mics can simultaneously be used in conferencing or recording as we programmed Acoustic-Echo Cancellation (AEC) software.

  • Volume: For the individual mic volume levels, you will need to manually turn the volume knobs, located below the desk to the left. Each is labeled to match the labels on the physical microphones. See below.

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Control the Overall Mic Level & Master Mute from the Home page. See below in Local Amplification.

  • Local Amplification: If you would like only use the microphones for conferencing/recording and not amplify your voice locally, simply turn on the Master Mic Mute.

    • Thus, this only mutes the local amplification.

    • This also means you must manually mute your microphone within the Teams/Zoom/Panopto application if you want it muted in your meetings or recording.

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Touch Panel & iPad Tutorial



This video is not updated with the new hybrid features--specifically the camera controls. An updated video is coming soon.

Although not fully updated, the directions here still guide you to control the baseline system.