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Timesheets are located on the web through the Banner Information Systems.

SPU Home Page>Banner Information Systems

Employee Menu>Time Sheet and Approvals

♦ Selection Criteria
--Select the button next to Access My Time Sheet and click Select.
♦ Position Selection
--This page has a list of all current positions held by the employee.
• Title and Department shows each position’s title and position number.
• Under My Choice, select the button for the timesheet to be used.
• The Pay Period and Status box lists the pay period’s beginning and end dates. Next it shows the Status of the timesheet.
  • Not Started: Timesheet has not been opened.
  • In Progress: Timesheet has been opened and hours have been added.
  • Pending: Timesheet has been submitted for approval.
  • Approved: Timesheet has been approved for payment.
  • Completed: Timesheet has been add to the payroll.
• Use the arrow on the right said of the Pay Period box to move to a previous pay period. A timesheet can have hours added to it and be submitted to your Supervisor until noon on the Tuesday after the end of the pay period. After this point, contact your supervisor if changes need to be made.
• Once you have selected the correct position and pay period, use the Time Sheet button to move to the next page.

♦ Time Sheet/Leave Report/Proxy 
--This is where your hours will be entered. 
• Again, notice that the Title and Number of your position; the Department; and Pay Period are shown at the top of this page. It also gives you the deadline for submitting this time sheet.
--In order to find the correct line for entering your hours, look at your position number at the top of the page. 
• Position numbers starting with 27xxxx should have hours added to the top lone of the time sheet.
• Position numbers starting with 17xxxx and 37xxxx should have hours added to the second line of the time sheet.
• The third line should only be used when more than 40 hours have been worked in a week (Sunday to Saturday). This would only happen during a break between quarters or during the Summer.
--Click on the blue “Enter Hours” words in the box for the date that you worked to enter your hours.
• This takes you to a page that allows you to enter your start time (Time In) and end time (Time Out) for each shift that you worked on a particular date. • • Be sure to clock out and back in if you take a lunch break during a day.
• Your time must be rounded to the nearest 15 minute interval. Use the chart at the end of these instructions to determine how you should round.
• After you have entered all shifts for that day, hit “Save”. The Total Hours to the right will then update accordingly.
--Click on “Time Sheet” to go back to the previous screen. Repeat this process for each day that you worked.
--Ideally, you should complete this after each work day. 

♦ Once you have entered all of your hours for the pay period, you can use the Submit for Approval button to submit your time sheet. If you need to make any adjustments after this point, contact your supervisor since you will no longer have access to this time sheet.


The number of hours worked are calculated using the quarter-hour rounding method. This means that arrival and departure times are rounded to the closest quarter of the hour when reporting hours on a timesheet.

If an odd number of minutes are usually worked (Example: one hour 20 minutes three times per week), talk to your supervisor about how to make sure you are not shorted on your hours. Since 20 times three equals one hour over the course of the week, entering 15 minutes twice during the week and 30 minutes once would balance out to one hour.

If an employee arrives or leaves between:
:00 to :07 minutes after the hour, enter as the top of the hour 
:08 to :22 minutes after the hours, enter as a quarter after the hour
:23 to :37 minutes after the hour, enter as the half hour
:38 to :52 minutes after the hour, enter as three quarters past the hour
:53 to :60 minutes after the hour, enter as the top of the hour

Arriving at 8:07 am would be entered as 8:00 am
Arriving at 8:08 am would be entered as 8:15 am
Arriving at 8:23 am would be entered as 8:30 am
Arriving at 8:38 am would be entered as 8:45 am
Arriving at 8:53 am would be entered as 9:00 am