This page will provide a general overview of the resources for School of Education students
Students have access to public Multi-Function Printers (MFP's) around SPU's campus. Students can print via their personal computers or library computers and all students have a print credit each quarter. You can use your SPU ID card to print from any public MFP around Campus. Please see Student Printing on the CIS website for additional information.
The Peterson Post Newsletter is sent out once per quarter to all registered undergraduate and graduate students via SPU email. The Newsletter provides pertinent information regarding upcoming classes, comprehensive exam dates, information on applying to graduate, and updates from various programs. If you miss the email, please contact Kristi Kanehen.
Contact Us
A list of contacts for staff The Contact Us page has a list of staff members in the School of Education and our various roles.
Additional Departments
Student Financial Services (SFS)
Student Counseling Center
While the university's counseling center does not provide services to graduate students, you do have access to a few resources.
Visit the resources and referrals webpage provided by the Student Counseling Center for a list of apps, organizations, and local therapists with a specific focus on any number of concerns (ADHD, COVID, depression, trauma, etc).