Budget FAQ


A: If you are transferring out of a budgeted fund, go to FGIBDSR in Administrative Banner and enter the Fund and Org in question. Hit “Go” and make note of the total budget to actuals (less labor). Assuming the residual is sufficient, find the account in question, and select the budget amount (Column: Adjusted Budget, Row: Proper Account Code). Click “Related” (top-right) and “Transaction Detail Information”. Here you will see a list of budget transfers over the course of the year. If all you see under the column “Type” is “BD01”, this is a permanent available balance. “BD02” is a permanent mid-year transfer. “BD04” is a temporary transfer. If transferring permanent budget, there should be sufficient budget available in both the current year budget (sum of all types) and the permanent budget (sum of BD01 and BD02), less any actuals. If transferring temporary budget, there should be sufficient current year budget (sum of all types), less any actuals.

A: No. This is actually a reclass request through General Ledger.

A: After checking to ensure that the actuals are hitting the wrong FOAA, email budget@spu.edu with a snip of the transactions in question, along with the proper FOAA. If budget is sitting in the incorrect place, please submit a BCR.

A: Please see Request Budget Access .

Supervisors can fill our our Jira form and note any new funds, orgs, or if salary access is now required.