Risk Assessments

Risk Assessments

Statement and Purpose

Understanding Risk Assessments.

Table of Contents

Risk Assessments

SPU students or employees who are planning events or activities that involve elevated levels of risk or that involve bringing people to campus who are not SPU students, faculty, or staff should consult with the Office of Risk Management (ORM) about whether a risk assessment would be appropriate and whether participants should sign waivers.  For examples of activities that may involve elevated levels of risk, see the list of activities where waivers may be required .

Risk assessments are discussions that are intended to identify risks presented by an activity (usually financial or safety risks) and plan for how to manage the risks (e.g., by taking safety precautions, by informing participants about risks, and/or by requiring that participants complete waivers). These discussions can take place by email, over the phone, and/or in person, and may also include representatives from other departments (e.g., from the Office of Facility and Project Management or the Office of Safety and Security). 
Two of the main goals of risk assessments are to promote safety at an event and to protect the University against financial loss, including through legal liability.  An event sponsor is primarily responsible for understanding and managing risks related to a sponsored event, with assistance from ORM.   Identifying and managing risk is typically a dialogue and a process.  While it is possible that ORM may recommend that an event or activity be avoided due to high levels of risk, this is not common.

Policy Version: 1.0

Responsible Office: Office of Risk Management
Responsible Executive:
  Asst. VP for Risk Management and University Counsel

Effective Date: July 1, 2019
Last Updated:  
July 1, 2019

Entities Affected By This Policy:  All University faculty and staff.