Enrollment Changes

Enrollment Changes


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To be eligible for financial aid, you must meet the minimum enrollment requirements. Any change of enrollment status during the year could result in a revision of your financial aid package.

If you reduce your credit load or officially withdraw from school during a quarter for which you have already received financial aid, all or part of the funds that have been disbursed to you may have to be repaid or returned to the funding source. This may create a balance due to SPU.

The amount to be repaid or returned will be determined by the length of time you were in school.

Minimum Enrollment Requirements for Undergraduates

Your initial offer of financial assistance assumes you will enroll for 12–18 undergraduate credits per quarter.

Credits are reviewed as of the fifth day of the quarter. Your enrollment at this point will be your financial aid enrollment. (Some courses added between the fifth and 10th day — such as independent studies and internships — will also count toward your enrollment for the quarter.)

If you register for fewer than 12 credits, your offer of financial assistance may need to be adjusted. If you plan to enroll for fewer than 12 credits for any quarter, notify SFS right away.

If you register for 5 or fewer credits, you will not be eligible for financial aid. (Exception: if you are otherwise eligible for a Pell or Washington State Need Grant, you may qualify for these grants carrying fewer than six credits.)

Courses that do not count toward your degree cannot be covered by financial aid. This includes media courses, audited courses, 5000-level courses, and graduate courses.

For further information, refer to the Financial Information section of the Undergraduate Catalog.

Minimum Enrollment Requirements for Post-Baccalaureate or Graduate Students

Your Offer of Financial Assistance is based on the assumption that you will be enrolled full time. If your actual enrollment will be different, please notify SFS or complete the Financial Aid Revision Request Form or the Loan Reduction or Cancellation Request Form right away.

To receive financial aid as a graduate student, you must be enrolled at least half-time each quarter. Half-time is three credits for graduate students and six credits for post-baccalaureate students.

Courses that do not count toward your degree cannot be covered by financial aid. This includes media courses, audited courses, and 5000-level courses.

Credits are reviewed as of the fifth day of the quarter. Your enrollment at this point will be your financial aid enrollment. Some courses added between the fifth and 10th day — such as independent studies and internships — will also count toward your enrollment for the quarter. You must be in a program leading to a degree or one of the following certificate programs to be eligible for financial aid:

  • Graduate Certificate in Christian Studies (GCCS)
  • Medical Family Therapy (MEDFT) program
  • Program administrator certification
  • Principal certification
  • School superintendent certification
  • School counseling certification

For further information, refer to the Financial Information section of the Graduate Catalog.

Entities Affected By This Policy

All Financial Aid recipients

Policy Version: 1.0

Responsible Office: Student Financial Services
Responsible Executive:
  Assistant VP for Enrollment Operations and Student Financial Services

Effective Date: June 16, 2019
Last Updated:  
June 16, 2019

Financial Aid Glossary

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