Transamerica Retirement Solutions
Transamerica Retirement Solutions
Transamerica Retirement Solutions administers SPU's retirement plans. To ensure that any retirement plan contributions are entered timely, Transamerica should be contacted by the first of the month prior to the month in which you would like the contribution change to be effective. This allows the change to be made in the Transamerica system and for their reporting to reach SPU in time for the change to be made prior to the SPU payroll deadline of the tenth of the month prior.
- Customer Service number: 800-755-5801
- Website: https://www.trsretire.com/webportal/spu/index.html
- To contact a live Transamerica representative: 1-888-676-5512 (5AM-6PM PST)
Please see the attachments titled 2023 July_1_HowToChangeContributions.pdf for step-by-step instructions on how to change your contributions specifically for the 9% to 7% change of the 401A contribution that takes effect 7/1/2023.
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