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Statement and Purpose

This Policy informs members of the University community about the University's prohibition against Sexual Harassment and Retaliation. It provides information about resources, reporting options, and prompt and equitable resolution options. The Policy reinforces the University's commitment to preventing and responding to Sexual Harassment in a manner consistent with applicable federal, state, and local law. Consistent with the procedures set forth and referenced in this Policy, the University will take steps to eliminate Sexual Harassment, prevent its recurrence, and remedy any discriminatory effects for members of the University community.

This policy supersedes the university's Sexual Misconduct Policy and Title IX Sexual Harassment Grievance Procedure.

Table of Contents

Certain terms in this policy are defined at the end of the policy.

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Entities Affected By This Policy

This policy applies to all students, staff, faculty, volunteers, and other individuals participating in or seeking to participate in the University’s programs or activities, including education and employment.

Reason for Policy

The University prohibits Sexual Harassment, as defined below, by any person governed by this Policy. The University, through this Policy, encourages prompt reporting of Sexual Harassment; identifies persons to whom Sexual Harassment may be reported; prohibits Retaliation against persons who exercise any rights under this Policy; assures confidentiality and privacy to the extent possible consistent with federal, state, and local law and the need to address and resolve reports of Sexual Harassment appropriately; explains how each report of Sexual Harassment will receive a prompt response from the University; assures all members of the University community that each Formal Complaint of Sexual Harassment will receive a prompt, equitable, impartial and thorough investigation and/or alternative resolution; and provides for appropriate remedial, disciplinary, or other corrective action.

  1. The University is committed to addressing Sexual Harassment through prevention and education, while it is the responsibility of every member of the University community to foster an environment free of Sexual Harassment. All members of the University community are encouraged to take reasonable and prudent actions to prevent or stop an act of Sexual Harassment. Taking action may include direct intervention when safe to do so, enlisting the assistance of friends, contacting law enforcement, or seeking assistance from a person in authority.
  2. The University will respond to reports and allegations of Sexual Harassment in a timely manner, using informal and formal procedures designed to eliminate the conduct, prevent its recurrence, and remedy any adverse effects of the conduct on members of the campus community or in University Programs or Activities. A person who experiences and reports (or is reported to have experienced) Sexual Harassment under this Policy will be offered prompt, reasonable, and appropriate supportive measures, and a person who is found responsible for violating this Policy may be subject to a range of potential disciplinary action, up to and including expulsion or termination. Some forms of Sexual Harassment may also violate federal, state, and/or local criminal laws, and criminal prosecution may occur independently of any actions taken by the University.
  3. Sexual Harassment can be committed by or against individuals of any sex or gender and can occur between individuals of the same sex/gender or different sexes/genders. Sexual Harassment can also occur between strangers or acquaintances, as well as persons involved in intimate, sexual, dating, domestic, or familial relationships. Intoxication or impairment from alcohol, drugs or other substances is not a defense to a violation of this Policy. Unless specifically noted, intent is not a required element to establish a Policy violation.
  4. The University also prohibits Retaliation (which includes words or acts, as described below) against an individual or group of individuals involved in a protected activity under this Policy. A protected activity may include participating, testifying, assisting, or refusing to participate in any manner in proceedings under this Policy; making a good faith report under this Policy; filing an external complaint; or opposing in a reasonable manner and consistent with University Policy, an action reasonably believed to constitute a violation of this Policy. Retaliation can take many forms, including, but not limited to, adverse action or violence, discrimination, threats, coercion, and intimidation that would discourage a reasonable person (under similar circumstances) from engaging in protected activity. Reports of Retaliation will be addressed by the University separate from the procedures associated with this Policy, as appropriate.
  5. All University community members are expected to provide truthful information in any proceeding under this Policy. Intentionally submitting or providing false or misleading information to the University in bad faith or with a view to personal gain or intentional harm to another in connection with any proceeding under this Policy is prohibited and may be subject to disciplinary sanctions, in accordance with applicable University policy or procedures. This provision does not apply to reports made or information provided in good faith, even if the facts alleged in the report are not later substantiated.
  6. Nothing in this Policy shall be deemed to revoke any right a faculty member may have to file a grievance under the Faculty Code or limit academic freedom. Accordingly, in an academic setting, expression that is reasonably designed or reasonably intended to contribute to academic inquiry, education, or debate on issues of public concern does not violate this Policy.
  7. While this Policy specifically seeks to address issues of sexual assault and/or harassment, community members should also be mindful of the guidelines around healthy sexual activity that exist for students and employees.

Policy Version: 1.0

Responsible Office: (Title of the Office/Dept responsible)
Responsible Executive:
  (Title of the Executive, i.e.: Asst. VP for Risk Management)

Effective Date: July 1, 2019
Last Updated:  
July 1, 2019

Notice of Non-Discrimination & Role of Title IX Coordinator

Consistent with the University’s Nondiscrimination Policy, the University does not unlawfully discriminate against any person in any of its education or employment programs and activities, including admissions, on any basis prohibited by federal, state, or other applicable law, including on the basis of sex or gender, and it does not tolerate Discrimination or Discriminatory Harassment on the basis of sex or gender. The University complies with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (“Title IX”) which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in the University's programs and activities; the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (Clery Act) as amended by the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013 (VAWA) which, along with Title IX, governs this Policy related to the University’s response to Sexual Assault, Dating Violence, Domestic Violence and Stalking. The University also complies with Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (“Title VII”), which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in employment, and other applicable law.

Concerns about the University’s application of Title IX may be addressed to the University’s Title IX Coordinator (at; the United States Department of Education, Clery Act Compliance Division (at; the United States Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights (at or 800-421-3481); and/or the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (at or 800-669-4000).

To request disability accommodations in connection with this Policy and corresponding procedure, students should contact the Office of Disability Support Services at 206-286-72348 or Employees and applicants for employment should contact the Human Resources at 206-281-2809.

The Role of the Title IX Coordinator

The University has designated a Title IX Coordinator to oversee the implementation of this Policy, to ensure compliance with Title IX, and relevant portions of VAWA and Title VII, and to work with the Division of Finance and Business on compliance with the Clery Act and other applicable laws. The University’s Title IX Coordinator is Trista Truemper.

Trista Truemper
Title IX Coordinator | Section 504 Coordinator
Demaray Hall, Room 253
3307 3rd Ave W, Suite 104
Seattle, WA 98119
Phone: (206) 281-2538

The University’s Title IX Coordinator oversees the University's centralized response to all reports of Sexual Harassment to ensure implementation of this Policy and compliance with applicable federal, state, and local law. Notice of Sexual Harassment or allegations of Sexual Harassment to the Title IX Coordinator means the institution has actual knowledge of the alleged harassment.  

To ensure compliance, the Title IX Coordinator and designated staff will:

  • Communicate with all members of the University community regarding applicable law and policy and provide information about how individuals may access resources and reporting options.
  • Maintain and implement applicable University policies and procedures in effort to comply with applicable law.
  • Ensure that all students and employees have access to education and training regarding Title IX, related provisions of the Clery Act, and Sexual Harassment as defined in this Policy.
  • Respond to any report regarding conduct that may violate this Policy. In this capacity, the Title IX Coordinator shall:
    1. Direct the provision of any Supportive Measures.
    2. Oversee the prompt and equitable investigation and/or alternative resolution of a report of Sexual Harassment.
    3. Take appropriate action to respond to reports of Sexual Harassment, prevent its recurrence, and remedy its effects.
  • Maintain centralized records of all reports, investigations, and resolutions.
  • Implement any remedies provided to a Complainant after a Respondent is found responsible for sexual harassment after the completion of the applicable grievance procedure.

The Title IX Coordinator maintains broad oversight responsibility but may delegate responsibilities or activities under this Policy to the University’s Deputy Title IX Coordinator (contact below), other designated administrators, or external professionals who will have appropriate training and/or experience. When used in this Policy, the term Title IX Coordinator may include an appropriate designee.

Cheryl Michaels
Deputy Title IX Coordinator | Director of Emergency Management and Associate Director of Safety and Security
3307 3rd Ave W, Suite 104
Seattle, WA 98119
Phone: (206) 281-2625

Prohibited Conduct

Key terms related to this Policy are defined immediately below. Additional important terms are defined throughout the text of the Policy and in Appendix A.

Title IX Sexual Harassment

For the purposes of Title IX Sexual Harassment, sexual harassment means conduct on the basis of sex that satisfies one or more of the following:

  • An employee of SPU conditioning an educational benefit or service of SPU on an individual’s participation in unwelcome sexual conduct.
  • Unwelcome conduct determined by a reasonable person to be so severe, pervasive, and objectively offensive that it effectively denies a person equal access to SPU’s education program or activity; 
  • A VAWA Offense, meaning “sexual assault” as defined in 20 U.S.C. 1092(f)(6)(A)(v), “dating violence” as defined in 34 U.S.C. 12291(a)(10), “domestic violence” as defined in 34 U.S.C. 12291(a)(8), or “stalking” as defined in 34 U.S.C. 12291(a)(30). (See Appendix A for full definitions of VAWA Offenses and related terms.)

Title VII Sexual Harassment

Amongst employees, harassment because of sex is defined as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when any of the following conditions are met:

  • Submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual’s employment; or
  • Submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for employment decision affecting such individual; or

Such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment.

Scope and Jurisdiction

This Policy applies to Sexual Harassment that occurs in the University’s Programs or Activities. This Policy may also apply to Sexual Harassment that occurs outside the University’s Programs or Activities when, in the discretion of the Title IX Coordinator:

    • there is close proximity between the reported conduct and the University community;
    • there is a sufficient nexus between the reported conduct and the University’s Programs or Activities; and/or
    • the reported conduct has alleged continuing adverse effects or creates a hostile environment on campus or in the University’s Programs or Activities.
  1. Where reported conduct involves a potential violation of both this Policy and another University policy, the University may choose to investigate and/or adjudicate all of the alleged misconduct under the procedures set forth in this Policy, provided that doing so would not unduly delay a prompt or equitable resolution of the report.
  2. This Policy applies to all reports of Sexual Harassment that are received by the University on or after the effective date of this Policy, regardless of when the Sexual Harassment is alleged to have occurred. Where the date of the reported Sexual Harassment precedes the effective date of this Policy, the definition of Sexual Harassment in existence at the time of the alleged incident(s) will be used, except where use of such definition would be contrary to law. The procedures under this Policy, however, will be used to investigate and resolve all reports of Sexual Harassment subject to this Policy made on or after the effective date of this policy, regardless of when the alleged incident(s) occurred, except where the use of such procedures would be contrary to law.
  3. Allegations of discrimination and other misconduct on the basis of sex that are not covered by this Policy may be governed by other University policies or processes, including but not limited to the Code of Student Conduct, the Student Accountability Process, the Employee Handbook, the Faculty Code, the university’s Non-Discrimination Policy, and amorous relationship policies.
  4. This Policy supersedes any conflicting information in any other University policy with respect to the definitions or procedures relating to Sexual Harassment within the scope of this Policy and provides the exclusive University remedy for alleged Sexual Harassment within the scope of this Policy.
Understanding Privacy and Confidentiality

Issues of privacy and confidentiality play important roles in this Policy and may affect individuals differently. While they are closely related, the concepts of privacy and confidentiality are distinct terms that are explained in more detail in Appendix B.

  • Individuals involved in the resolution processes under this Policy are encouraged to exercise discretion in sharing information in order to safeguard the integrity of the process and to avoid the appearance of retaliation. While discretion regarding the process is important, Complainants and Respondents are not restricted from discussing and sharing information with others who may support or assist them during the process.
  • Intentional disclosures that are not for the purpose of preparing for the resolution process or obtaining support may be subject to the prohibition on retaliation if determined to be retaliatory in nature. All parties are encouraged to maintain the privacy of Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)-protected and/or sensitive information gathered or learned in the process.

Reporting Options and Resources

The University encourages all individuals to promptly report Sexual Harassment to the Title IX Coordinator and law enforcement. The University also recognizes that deciding to report can be difficult and is an intensely personal decision. Complainants and witnesses are encouraged to seek assistance from campus and community resources and to explore all potential reporting and support options. 

  • A Complainant has the right to report or decline to report crimes to law enforcement. Under limited circumstances (i.e., threats to the health or safety of an individual) or to comply with applicable law, the University may independently notify law enforcement. 
  • University processes and law enforcement investigations operate independently of one another, although the Title IX Coordinator may coordinate information with SPU’s Office of Safety and Security as part of the intake assessment.
  • Anyone can make a report as follows:
    1. Make a report to the Title IX Coordinator in person, by telephone, by email or online:

Trista Truemper

Title IX Coordinator | Section 504 Coordinator

Demaray Hall, Room 253

3307 3rd Ave W, Suite 104

Seattle, WA 98119


Phone: (206) 281-2538

Reports can also be submitted online 24/7 using the Report a Concern Reports are received by SPU’s Response Team:

    1. Trista Truemper, Title IX/ Section 504 Coordinator, (206) 281 2538;  
    2. Cheryl Michaels, Deputy Title IX Coordinator/Director of Emergency Management and Associate Director of Safety and Security, (206) 281-2625;

If on campus, contact OSS 24/7 for assistance in filing a criminal complaint and preserving physical evidence at: 

Office of Safety and Security

601 West Emerson

Seattle, WA 98119


Emergencies (from on campus): x2911 | (from off campus): 206-281-2911 

If off campus, call 911 to reach local emergency response.

  • An individual may pursue some or all of these steps at the same time (e.g., one may simultaneously pursue a Title IX report and a criminal complaint). When initiating any of the above options, an individual does not need to know whether they wish to request any particular course of action nor how to label what happened. As part of a report to the Title IX Coordinator, an individual can also request Supportive Measures.
  • When a report of Sexual Harassment is made to the Title IX Coordinator, the Title IX Coordinator will promptly contact the Complainant and conduct an assessment to determine next steps, including whether the University may offer Supportive Measures. However, the University will not commence a resolution process without a Formal Complaint.
  • Where an individual’s report of Sexual Harassment identifies a Respondent who is a member of the Title IX office, individuals may report to the Vice Provost for Inclusive Excellence.

Anonymous Reporting

Anonymous reports will be preliminarily investigated to the extent possible, both to assess the underlying allegation(s) and to determine if remedies can be provided. However, anonymous reports typically limit the University’s ability to investigate, respond, and provide remedies, depending on what information is shared.

Timeframe for Reporting

There is no time limitation on reporting alleged violations of this Policy. However, if the Respondent is no longer subject to the University’s jurisdiction and/or significant time has passed, the ability to investigate, respond, and provide remedies may be more limited.

  • Acting on allegations significantly impacted by the passage of time (including, but not limited to, the rescission or revision of policy) is at the discretion of the Title IX Coordinator, who may document allegations for future reference, offer resources and/or remedies, and/or engage in informal or formal action, as appropriate.
  • When a significant time delay impacts the reporting of alleged violations, the University will apply the policy in place at the time of the alleged violation, and the procedures in place at the time the violation is reported.

Community Immunity

The University seeks to eliminate barriers for Complainants and witnesses who may be hesitant to seek medical or emergency assistance, report an incident to University officials, or participate in resolutions processes because they fear that they themselves may be in violation of certain policies at the time of the incident. In general, the University will not pursue disciplinary action for pre-marital sexual activity, personal consumption of alcohol or drugs, or other activities that would would otherwise be a violation of the Code of Student Conduct against a student who makes a good faith report to the University, or participates as a party or witness to Sexual Harassment, provided the misconduct did not endanger the health or safety of others. The University may engage in an assessment or educational discussion or pursue other non-disciplinary options.

Requests for Anonymity

Once a report has been shared with the Title IX Coordinator, a Complainant may request that their identity not be shared with the Respondent (request for anonymity), that no investigation occur, or that no resolution process be pursued. The University will carefully balance this request in the context of the University's commitment to provide a safe and non-discriminatory environment for all University community members.

  • The University will make all reasonable efforts to respond to the report consistent with a Complainant’s request, but to pursue a resolution against a Respondent under this Policy, the Respondent must be provided with sufficient notice of the reported conduct, including the Complainant’s identity if known. In some cases, including where the University determines that the failure to pursue a resolution process would be inconsistent with its legal obligations, the University may choose to pursue a resolution even if a Complainant requests that no resolution be pursued.
  • More information about how to report Sexual Harassment that is in progress or threatened, and information about medical care, is available on the following website:

University Community Members’ Reporting Obligations

It is important to understand the different reporting responsibilities of University community members. Some community members are designated as Confidential Resources (e.g., campus ministries, health care providers and mental health care providers acting in their capacities as health care and mental health care providers) while others are Title IX Responsible Employees. Confidential Resources will generally not report personally identifying information shared with them about Sexual Harassment to the Title IX Coordinator. Conversely, Title IX Responsible Employees and are required by the University to promptly share all available information about Sexual Harassment with the Title IX Coordinator. The University encourages Complainants to seek clarification about an employee’s reporting obligations before making disclosures.

Responsible Employees

  1. Title IX Responsible Employees are University community members who are required by this Policy to promptly report suspected or alleged incidents Sexual Harassment or potential violations of this Policy to the Title IX Coordinator. Unless identified and acting as a Confidential Resource, SPU Responsible Employees include:
    1. President, Provost, Vice Presidents, Deans, and Department Chairs
    2. Deputy, Vice, Assistant and Associate, Provosts, Deans, and individuals who directly report to any of these roles
    3. Faculty
    4. Athletic Director, Coaches, Assistant Coaches, Graduate Assistants and other Athletics Department employees
    5. All Residence Directors, Resident Advisors and Area Coordinators
    6. Anyone who directly supervises students, student workers, faculty, or other staff
    7. Managers, coordinators, program heads, directors (including deputy, vice, assistant or associate positions)
    8. All staff in Enrollment Management and Marketing
    9. Faculty Academic Advisors and Undergraduate Academic Counselors
    10. All staff in the Office for Inclusive Excellence
    11. All staff in the Department of Human Resources
    12. All staff in the Division of Student Formation and Community Engagement
    13. All staff in the Division of Finance and Administration
    14. Safety and Security Police Department Staff
    15. Individuals designated as Campus Security Authorities under the Clery Act
  2. Responsible Employees must report all known information, including the identities of the parties, the date, time, and location, and any details about the reported incident to the Title IX Coordinator that are known. Responsible Employees may provide support and assistance to a reporting party, but they cannot promise confidentiality or withhold information about Sexual Harassment. Failure by a Responsible Employee to promptly report suspected or alleged Sexual Harassment may subject them to appropriate discipline, including removal from a position or termination of employment. There are limited exceptions to this requirement. The exceptions are:
    1. Employees, interns, professional trainees, volunteers, contractors, and other similar individuals who have received information while providing services within their professional capacity at Student Health Services or SPU Clinical Psychology Practicum programs or while otherwise designated by SPU to provide medical or mental health services.
    2. Employees participating in preventative education for students regarding sex and gender-based violence or a related program, during which a student or employee discloses having experienced sexual harassment (including, but not limited to quid pro quo harassment, sexual misconduct, intimate partner violence, or stalking).
    3. Employees engaged in research and climate surveys which include gathering information on discrimination and harassment, during which a research participant discloses, for the purpose of the research, having experienced discrimination and harassment, unless otherwise required by applicable law.
  3. Some Responsible Employees may also be designated as Campus Security Authorities (CSAs). All CSAs should be aware of their reporting obligations under the Clery Act and promptly report Clery crimes to the Office of Safety and Security.

1.3.2      Confidential Resources

Students and employees who wish to discuss Sexual Harassment in a confidential setting may consult with the list of Confidential Resources identified in Appendix C. Confidential Resources will generally not disclose personally identifying information to the Title IX Coordinator without the express permission of the Complainant. Speaking with a Confidential Resource about Sexual Harassment will not constitute a report to the University or law enforcement. When an individual who otherwise is a Confidential Resource receives information outside of their professional role in the provision of services, the individual may have Reporting Obligations which requires that they share information with the Title IX Coordinator. For example, a licensed psychologist in the Student Health Center who receives a disclosure in the context of attending University lecture would be required to share the information with the Title IX Coordinator.

Although Confidential Resources are not obligated to report Sexual Harassment to the Title IX Coordinator, they are expected to provide the Complainant with the Title IX Coordinator’s contact information and access to this Policy.

Emergency Resources and Law Enforcement

  • Emergency medical assistance and campus safety/law enforcement assistance are available 24/7 both on and off campus. Individuals are encouraged to contact law enforcement and seek medical treatment as soon as possible following an incident that may pose a threat to safety or physical well-being or following a potential criminal offense. Such incidents can be reported to SPU’s Office of Safety and Security.
  • Members of the University community who believe their safety or the safety of others is threatened or who have experienced or witnessed Sexual Harassment that may be criminal in nature should immediately call OSS at (206) 281-2911 or call 911 to reach local law enforcement. Incidents that are reported to OSS that fall within the scope of this Policy will also be reported to the Title IX Coordinator.    


Upon receipt of a report of Sexual Harassment, the Title IX Coordinator will promptly contact the Complainant to (1) discuss the availability of and the Complainant’s wishes with respect to Supportive Measures and (2) explain the process for filing a Formal Complaint.

  • As part of the intake assessment, the Title IX Coordinator will typically:
    1. assess the nature and circumstances of the report, including whether it provides the names and/or any other information that identifies the Complainant, the Respondent, any witness and/or any other individual with knowledge of the reported incident;
    2. assess the nature and circumstances of the report to determine whether the reported conduct raises a potential Policy violation, and whether the reported conduct is within the scope of this Policy;
    3. address immediate physical safety and emotional well-being;
    4. notify the Complainant of their right to contact (or decline to contact) law enforcement or seek a civil protection order;
    5. notify the Complainant of the right to seek medical treatment;
    6. notify the Complainant of the importance of preservation of evidence;
    7. consult with the OSS or other University administrators as appropriate;
    8. refer the report to OSS to enter the report into the University’s daily crime log if required by the Clery Act;
    9. with OSS, assess the reported conduct and discern the need for a timely warning under the Clery Act;
    10. provide the Complainant with written information about campus and community resources;
    11. notify the Complainant of the right to reasonable Supportive Measures regardless of whether they choose to file a Formal Complaint;
    12. provide the Complainant with an explanation of the procedural options, including formal resolution and alternative resolution;
    13. notify the Complainant of the right to be accompanied at any meeting by an advisor of their choice;
    14. assess the available information for any pattern of alleged conduct by Respondent;
    15. discuss the Complainant’s expressed preference for the manner of resolution and any barriers to proceeding (e.g., confidentiality concerns);
    16. explain the University’s policy prohibiting retaliation and how to report acts of retaliation; and
    17. determine the age of the Complainant; and if the Complainant is a minor, make the appropriate report of suspected abuse consistent with the University’s Reporting Expectations Policy
    18. determine whether the allegations would prompt an evaluation of NSF notification and reporting requirements.
  • If the facts alleged as part of the report would not, if true, support a conclusion that the conduct constitutes Sexual Harassment as defined in this Policy, the Title IX Coordinator may nevertheless continue to offer Supportive Measures. If the reported conduct, if true, would constitute Sexual Harassment under this Policy but took place outside the University’s Programs or Activities, the Title IX Coordinator has the discretion to determine whether to proceed under the procedures set forth in this Policy (based on the factors discussed in the Scope and Jurisdiction section above) or refer to another University office for review and resolution.
  • The intake assessment will be conducted promptly, with the timeframe for the intake assessment tailored to the context and circumstances. The University will seek to complete the intake assessment within 10 business days, but recognizes that there may be circumstances in which this assessment takes longer.

Supportive Measures

Supportive measures are non-disciplinary, non-punitive individualized services, accommodations, and other assistance that the University may put in place, without fee or charge, after receiving notice of possible Sexual Harassment. Supportive Measures are designed to restore or preserve access to the University’s education programs and activities and protect the safety of all parties and the University’s educational environment while not being punitive in nature or unreasonably burdening any party. Whether a possible Supportive Measure for one party would unreasonably burden another party is a fact-specific determination that considers the nature of the educational programs, activities, opportunities, and benefits in which an individual is participating.  

  • Upon receipt of a report of Sexual Harassment, the Title IX Coordinator, will contact a Complainant to:
    1. discuss the availability of Supportive Measures
    2. explain that Supportive Measures are available with or without the filing of a Formal Complaint. 
  • The Title IX Coordinator will consider the Complainant’s wishes with respect to implementation of Supportive Measures. 
  • Reasonable and appropriate Supportive Measures are also available to the Respondent. The University may provide reasonable Supportive Measures to third parties as appropriate and available, considering the role of the third party and the nature of any contractual relationship with the University.
  • To determine the appropriate Supportive Measure(s) to be implemented, the University conducts an individualized assessment based on the unique facts and circumstances of each situation. The University will consider a number of factors, including:
    1. the needs of the individual seeking supportive measures;
    2. the severity and/or pervasiveness of the alleged conduct;
    3. any continuing effects on the parties;
    4. whether the Complainant and the Respondent share the same residence hall, academic course(s), or job location(s); and
    5. whether court proceedings have been used to protect any parties (e.g., protective orders).
  • The University will work in good faith to implement the requirements of judicially issued protective orders and similar orders, to the extent that doing so is within its authority.
  • The Title IX Coordinator is responsible for ensuring the implementation of Supportive Measures and coordinating the University's response with the appropriate offices on campus. The Title IX Coordinator has the discretion to impose and/or modify any Supportive Measure based on all available information and is available to meet with a Complainant or Respondent to address any concerns about the provision of Supportive Measures.
  • The University will maintain the privacy of any Supportive Measures provided under this Policy to the extent that maintaining such confidentiality would not impair the University’s ability to provide the Supportive Measures, and the University will promptly address any violation of a Supportive Measure.

Supportive Measures may include:

  1. facilitating access to counseling and medical services;
  2. guidance in obtaining a sexual assault forensic examination;
  3. assistance in arranging rescheduling of exams and assignments and extensions of deadlines;
  4. academic support;
  5. assistance in requesting long-term academic accommodations through Disability Support Services (DSS) if the individual qualifies as an individual with a disability;
  6. change in class schedule, including the ability to transfer course sections or withdraw from a course;
  7. allowing either a Complainant or a Respondent to drop a class in which both parties are enrolled in the same section without penalty;
  8. changes in the Complainant’s or Respondent’s University work schedule or job and/or leadership assignments;
  9. change in campus housing;
  10. escort and other safety planning steps;
  11. mutual "no contact directive," an administrative remedy designed to curtail contact and communications between two or more individuals;
  12. voluntary leave of absence;
  13. referral to resources to assist in obtaining a protective order;
  14. referral to resources to assist with any financial aid, visa or immigration concerns;
  15. limiting an individual's access to certain University facilities or activities; and/or
  16. any other remedial measure, as appropriate, that is non-disciplinary, non-punitive, and does not unreasonably burden any party’s access to the University’s education programs and activities.

The University may also impose an administrative leave (on either a paid or unpaid basis) for an employee following a Formal Complaint and during the pendency of a resolution process. The decision to impose an administrative leave may be made at any point in the process.

Emergency Removal

The Title IX Coordinator, in consultation with other University employees as appropriate, retains the right to remove a Respondent from the University’s Program or Activities on an emergency basis.

  • A Respondent may be removed on an emergency basis when, based on an individualized safety and risk analysis, the University determines that an immediate threat to the physical health or safety of any individual arising from the allegations of Sexual Harassment justifies removal. 
  • A Respondent who is subject to emergency removal from the University’s Programs and Activities will be provided notice and an opportunity to challenge the decision promptly following the removal.

Advisor of Choice

During intake, and throughout this Policy’s procedures, each party has the right to consult with an advisor of their choosing, including but not limited to, an attorney. Each party may be accompanied by no more than one advisor to a meeting or proceeding related to the resolution of a report under this Policy. The advisor may provide support and advice to the parties at any meeting and/or proceeding. Other than at a live hearing for the sole purpose of conducting any cross-examination, an advisor may not speak on behalf of a party or otherwise participate in, or in any manner delay, disrupt, or interfere with meetings and/or proceedings. The University will not unduly delay the scheduling of meetings or proceedings based on an advisor’s unavailability. An advisor may be asked to meet with a University administrator in advance of any proceedings to understand the expectations of the role, privacy considerations, and appropriate decorum.

Initiating a Formal Complaint

Formal Complaints alleging a violation(s) of this Policy may be resolved using the Title IX Sexual Harassment and Related Conduct Resolution Procedure.

Definition of Terms


an individual who is alleged to have experienced Sexual Harassment.


 an individual who has been reported to be the perpetrator of conduct that could constitute Sexual Harassment.

Formal Complaint

a document filed by a Complainant or signed by the Title IX Coordinator alleging Sexual Harassment against a Respondent and requesting that the University investigate the allegation of Sexual Harassment.

University Programs or Activities

means any operation of the University, including: (1) locations, events, or circumstances where the University exercised substantial control over both the Respondent and the context in which the sexual harassment occurs; and (2) any building owned or controlled by a student organization officially recognized by the university.

Business Daymeans any day other than a Saturday, Sunday, or University holiday. For this purpose, “University holiday” means those holidays scheduled on the University's master calendar when the University's administrative offices are closed for business. If a particular stage in this Policy or corresponding Procedure is required to be completed within a prescribed number of days, then the day that includes the event that starts the time period will not be counted, but the last day of the time period will be counted. Any action required by the end of any time period must be completed by 5 pm on the last day of the period.
Standard of Evidence

The Decision Maker (and, if applicable, the Appeal Reviewer) will make a decision using a preponderance of the evidence standard (that is, whether a finding is more likely than not). This standard of evidence will apply for all determinations regarding Formal Complaints under this Policy, whether against students or employees.

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