Student timesheets are to be submitted to your supervisor on the date indicated. They are due every other Tuesday for a two-week period. Please mark these dates on your calendar.
20172018-2018 2019 Academic Year
Number# | Pay Period Begin Date | Pay Period End Date | Submit to Supervisor by Noon | Approved by Supervisor by Noon | Pay |
Day1411/176/176/27/17 | 6/28/17 | 7/5/17 | 15 | 6/25/17 | 7/8/172018 | 7/7/2018 | 7/10/2018 | 7/11/ |
1712177/19/17 | 917221725172617217231751781791716176171917221723173017201721751761713173171617191720172717171730173174171117101171417171718172517151728173117111178172917111714171517221712172517281729176172617917121713172017101723171818/1824176189181018171871820182318241831182118318618718141841817182018211828181818318618718141841817182018211828181818311831841811184118141817181818251815182818511821891829181218151816182318131826182918301861827189181218131820181018231826182718182418718101811181818
*Submit BI 1 by 10am on Jan 2nd
**Approve BI 1 by 2pm 12pm on Jan 2nd
***Payday on Thursday, Jan 3rd
Timesheets MUST be submitted by 12:00 Noon on the Tuesday indicated.
If they are late, the student will not be paid until the following pay date. Thank you!