Data Custodians

Data Custodians

A data custodian, usually an administrator of a major college office or department, may make data available to others within his or her purview for use and support of the unit’s functions.

Before granting access to data, the data custodian shall be satisfied that protection requirements have been implemented and that a "need to know" is clearly demonstrated. By approving end-user access to institutional data, the data custodian consents to the use of these data within the normal business functions of administrative and academic offices. Access to institutional data shall not be granted to persons unless there is an established "need to know".

Data custodians are responsible for the accuracy and completeness of data files in their areas. Misuse or inappropriate use by individuals will result in revocation of the user’s access privileges. Data custodians are also responsible for the maintenance and control of the administrative information system’s validation and rules tables as these tables define how business is conducted at SPU.

For the General System, all Data System Stewards, as defined below, would be responsible for jointly determining who gets access and to what level.

Data CustodianTypes of Record
Student Academic ServicesAcademic (e.g., transcript, transfer work, class schedule, degree requirements, probation, petitions, contracts, academic progress, etc.)
UG Admissions
The Graduate Center 
Applicant records
University AdvancementAlumni and Donor Records
Office of Residence LifeDisciplinary/Leadership Honors
Student Financial ServicesFinancial Aid; Student Accounts; Student Employment
FinanceFinancial Information
Payroll Information (payroll history, time entry, leave balances, tax admin) 
Human ResourcesHuman Resource Records (employee biographical info, employee applicant info, employee performance info, budget and position data, grievances, leave status, benefits and deductions admin)
Learning ResourcesLibrary Patron Records
Safety and SecuritySecurity Records
Parking System Records 

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