Wired Connections in Residence Halls

Wired Connections in Residence Halls


The university has invested heavily in the SPU-Wireless network throughout campus residence halls and apartments, and that is the preferred way to get to the Internet while on campus.

We also know that some devices cannot connect wirelessly (no wireless adapter). In those instances, we can activate a room's wired connection.

To connect to the wired network you'll need an Ethernet cable and your device will need an Ethernet port (or USB to Ethernet adapter). Ethernet cables cost around $15 and are available at the campus bookstore and at various computer and office supply stores. Wired wall jacks are in all residence halls and in many commons areas and classrooms throughout campus.  When connecting your computer to a wired connection in the residence halls, follow the steps below.

Request Port Activation

  1. Identify the jack number on the face plate that you would like activated. In the example here, jack numbers are 113-3, 113-4 and 113-5.
  2. Contact the CIS Help Desk at help@spu.edu and submit the following information:
    1. your name
    2. residence hall
    3. room number
    4. jack number on faceplate to activate (one per student)
    5. description of device being connected (desktop computer, smart TV, phone, etc.)
    6. provide a brief explanation as to why a wired connection is necessary

These steps cannot take place out of order

  • Your request will be handled during normal business hours. Generally, we try to perform activations within 5 business days, though response times vary depending on request volume and time of year.
  • A CIS Network Technician will contact you with an appointment time. If you are not available during that time we will go into your room to activate the jack, accompanied by a campus security officer.
  • PLEASE NOTE: Once your jack is activated you will need to REGISTER that device before the connection will work.
  • If at anytime during the year you no longer need the active jack, please email help@spu.edu and we will turn it back off.

Connect and Register your Device

Once you have been notified that the room jack(s) have been activated:

  1. Make sure that DHCP is enabled and there are no custom DNS settings on your device.
  2. Plug your device into the activated Ethernet port.
  3. Open your web browser and navigate to a web page of your choice and refresh the page
  4. When prompted, Log in with your SPU Email Username (without @spu.edu). If you are not prompted, go to a different web site - preferably one you have not visited recently - and wait for the log in prompt.

*Devices without browsers must follow the steps on the Network Device Registration Page.

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