Grants and Designated Funds (Sandbox)

Finance Office

Federal Audit Process Documents

Federal Awards

Grant Applications

Applications for awards are initiated by faculty or Corporate, Foundations and Major Gifts department. Applications are then passed through the finance department to Cherry Gilbert, Asst. Director, Business and Finance for creation or approval of the budget/finance portion. Grants are then approved by Craig Kispert, Associate Vice President of Business and Finance, and passed on to the President and Vice President of Advancement for approval, signature and submittal.Award letters are received by the President and communicated throughout the University.


Once awarded, the PI will initiate the grant, the setup of the grant fund, and setup of the grant staffing. Through this process Joan Teeter, Assistant Controller will setup a fund for the newly awarded federal grant. Payroll is informed through the normal salary process via a salary detail sheet or payroll action form (PAF).
The PI will manage the grant and its expenditures, performing the objectives of the grant according to its award. Expenses will be initiated by appropriate personnel and then submitted through the procurement process of the University.

by the individual doing the purchasing and by the payments department before payment. The documentation should be submitted with the Request for Payment.

  • Bid process is required for purchases of $10,000 and above. This bid process is sometimes bypassed in light of existing agreements or the need to deal with a very specific vendor. This is subjectively determined prior to the order. Science Equipment is often very specialized and is bypassed on the bid process.

Equipment that is capitalized uses the University threshold of $2,000. The equipment will be tagged as federally funded assets with the grant number associated with it. Inventory of these assets will be done on a bi-annual basis and compared against the Universities federal grant fixed asset list.

The finance office will verify/approve payments within the procurement process. See procurement policy documentation on the web for more information. All payments are verified against available awarded funds for each grant.
The PI will annually submit time and effort reports to Cherry Gilbert, Asst Director of Finance and Budget, which will then be compared to the awarded budget to check for compliance with the stated requirements.


On a quarterly basis Joan Teeter, Asst. Controller will prepare and submit the following required reports:

  • Summary Reports
  • Billing Reports
  • Detail transaction reports
  • Comparison to budget reports
  • Calculation of Indirect Costs

Joan will then send reports to the PI, along with a copy to the Dean and Budget Manager, for review and approval. Then they will be submitted to Cherry Gilbert, Director of Finance and Controller for final approval of the drawdown. Drawdown requests are submitted and sub-recipients are billed on a reimbursement basis.
The PI is responsible for submitting regular progress reports to granting agencies and submitting copies to Finance.

Sub-recipient awards

Annually, a request is made for the A-133 audit of every sub-recipient. A reasonable effort will be pursued to obtain a response from the sub-recipient. A review of any documents received and any required actions to comply with the award agreement will be done annually.
The following activity is managed in relationship to the sub-recipient award:

  • Invoices are received by Joan Teeter
  • Invoices are compared to the budget in the sub-recipient agreement
  • Requested approval by the PI
  • Approved invoices flow through the procurement process