What is Canvas Commons?


Canvas Commons is a digital library full of educational content that allows Canvas users to share learning resources with others and import those resources into a Canvas course.

Getting Started with Commons

To enable Commons in your Canvas instance, please contact your Customer Success Manager. To access Commons, you need to have an email address associated with your Canvas account.

Commons is available in all Free for Teacher (FFT) accounts. Free for Teacher users are limited to finding, importing, and sharing public resources.

Open Commons


In Global Navigation, click the Commons link.

What can I do with Commons?

There are multiple ways educators can use Commons to share resources with other Canvas users:

  • Create a personal learning object repository

  • Build a course from scratch with relevant materials shared by other Canvas users

  • Create a name for yourself and your institution as a subject matter expert

Find Resources


Find resources by searching for specific keyword, author, title, or institution.

Import to Canvas

Import a resource into a Canvas course. Once the import is completed, you can start using and customizing it.

Share to Commons

Share resources you create in Canvas with other Canvas users, colleagues and groups at your institution, or with only you.

Update Resources

If you modify a resource (learning activity) in Canvas that was previously shared to Commons, you can share the modified resource to Commons again. The existing resource will be updated in Commons.


Additional Resources

Filter by label

There are no items with the selected labels at this time.