FERPA Training for Students
Please email ferpa@spu.edu requesting FERPA training.
FERPA Training for Staff Members
All new faculty and staff of Seattle Pacific University are required to successfully complete training in the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). Training must be complete before any employee can request access to Internet Native Banner (INB). FERPA training is available online through Skillsoft which you can access from the HR website (requires login). The tutorial will take approximately 30 minutes, and you will be required to complete several assessments.
FERPA training has to be re-taken if it's been more than one year since an employee last took it and are requesting access to a resource that they didn't have in the past year.
To access Skillsoft for the first time:
- Navigate to the SPU site: https://seattlepacificu.skillport.com/skillportfe/login.action
- If you encounter any issues at all including logging in or playing content on the site, please contact Skillsoft’s Technical Support Team available 24x7 via phone, email or Live Chat.
- Phone: 1-866-SKIL-HELP or 1-866-754-5435, Email: Support@Skillsoft.com, Live Chat: http://support.skillsoft.com/livehelp/
- Once you log in the first time, you will be able to change your password, but it is best NOT to use the same password you use to log in to the SPU computers.
- You will also be asked for a security question that will help in the future if you forget your password. Keep this login information and your password for future access to Skillsoft.
To access the FERPA training:
- Once logged into Skillsoft, click on View Learning Plan at the top of the screen.
- Then select Assigned Learning tab. The training is called FERPA for Higher Education.
- Once the training has been selected and is opened, click on the Launch button next to the picture.
- There are five components to the training–the Lesson Pre-Test, the three Instruction modules, and the Post- Test.
- For this training to be completed, you will need to visit all pages and receive 100% on all of the tests and quizzes.
- When you finish the training, you will see a comment either confirming your completion or indicating that you may have missed some pages or test questions.
- HR and your dean, director or supervisor will be receiving reports listing all who have completed the training, so there is nothing for you to print out or report once you are finished.
Once HR has processed your completion of FERPA you will be able to request INB as a resource using the Banner Online System. For more information on requesting accounts, go to our Request Additional Accounts page.
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