Reimbursements are payments for business related expenses that have been purchased using personal funds or recognized costs such as per diem or mileage. These expenses typically include teaching supplies, books, memberships, subscriptions, business meals and office supplies. Only original itemized receipts, demonstrating proof (method) of payment are acceptable for reimbursement.
Documentation for reimbursement;(Should this be here? To be discussed with Laurie)
Documentation is required for every expense made on behalf of SPU. Examples include receipts and invoices. These documents support accounting and reconciliation best practice.
A receipt is a written acknowledgment of having received, or taken into one's possession, a specified amount of money, goods, etc. A receipt is not a confirmation notice or quote.
Receipts should be itemized to show exactly what was purchased. For example, if a meal is being reimbursed, include the itemized receipt showing the food and beverages being purchased at that meal.
If the purchase is food related, include a list of attendee names. This list will demonstrate adherence to the per diem limit.
Make every attempt to retrieve a receipt from the supplier for the purchase. If a receipt cannot be collected, have supporting documentation available such as a bank statement, confirmation email of purchase, packing slip etc and an itemized list of what was purchased.
Request for Reimbursement (purchasing using expense advance funds or personal funds)
Individual purchases goods, pays with personal funds (expense advance funds) and obtains a sales receipt.
Individual completes a request for reimbursement form, records purchase information (date, business purpose, sales tax, etc.) and attaches the original receipt. If a transaction is under $50 and a receipt is difficult to obtain, it is allowable to document the expense and note the lack of receipt.
Individual submits request for reimbursement to supervisor with appropriate Purchasing Authority for approval and signature.
Request for reimbursement is forwarded to the PD to produce a check to the individual or reclassification of expense advance funds.
Note: While the university allows for this type of reimbursement, it encourages individuals to utilize the other tools available for payment and only use the reimbursement path as a last resort.