Extending the Course for specific individuals
If students are not finished with their course work by the time grades are due, the course can be extended for that particular student. Please either call ETM at extension 2170 or create a ticket with Web Help Desk with the following information:
the name of the student
the name of the course
the date the extended section should end
Extending the Whole Course
Before the Term Ends
If you know that an extension is going to be necessary while the course is still open, you can extend the dates of the course yourself. This can be done by:
Go to the course settings→ Course details and type in an end date that is appropriate for the extension.
Make sure that the "Users can only participate in the course between these dates" option is checked.
Save by selecting "Update Course Details".
After the Term Ends
If students do not need extended access to a course, but you need extra time to make changes to the gradebook, etc., an extended section can be made that allows only the professor to be able to continue editing the course. Please either call ETM at extension 2170 or create a ticket with Web Help Desk with the following information:
the name of the course
the date the extended section should end
Additional Resources
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