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Bias-related incidents can be any physical, spoken, visual, or written acts of abuse, harassment, intimidation, or vulgarity, or remarks of a personally destructive nature toward another person because of actual or perceived defining characteristics. This can occur whether the act is intentional or unintentional, or is directed toward an individual or group regarding race, color, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, marital status, religion, creed, age, national origin, citizenship status, physical or mental disability, veteran status, or any other status protected under applicable local, state, or federal law. Some bias-related incidents may also constitute acts of discrimination and/or harassment. This policy is not intended to prohibit or limit the free exchange of ideas presented or debated in a respectful manner.discriminatory harassment, in such cases, the incident will be reviewed under the applicable policy and procedure. 

The University seeks to support individuals who have experienced bias-related incidents, educate the campus community about the harmful effects of bias, and hold individuals accountable for violations of University policy. This policy is not intended to prohibit or limit the free exchange of ideas presented or debated in a respectful manner.


The instructions and procedures outlined on this website are intended for SPU students, SPU employees, and other SPU community members. Other individuals who experience a bias-related incident on SPU’s campus may also make reports using SPU’s bias-related incident reporting formby contacting the Response Team by phone or email, but SPU may modify its response protocols in such situations, depending on the circumstances.


As a Christian community seeking to live out an ethic of care, SPU community members are also encouraged to practice safe, gracious, and conscientious bystander intervention in appropriate circumstances. While attempting to intervene in a situation may not always be appropriate (e.g., if there is a physical safety threat), in other times one of the most effective ways to counteract bias is to identify it right when it occurs, especially for a University employee with authority to respond to incidents occurring among employees they supervise.



You can SPU Community members may also contact one of the individuals listed below if you need someone to talk to, or if you would like to seek resources for supportfor assistance and support. Please be advised that the following individuals are designated as Title IX Responsible Employees and Campus Security Authorities. When receiving reports of bias-related incidents that rise to the level of a crime or prohibited forms of sexual harassment, the below individuals are required by University policy to report or refer those incidents to OSS and the Title IX Coordinator as appropriate.

Profile PictureUser6411457b6b29c052ab2c7d89user

Dr. Jeff Jordan
Vice Provost for Student Formation and Community Engagement
On campus: Student Union Building Room 209 (second floor)
By mail: 3307 3rd Ave W, Suite 212, Seattle, WA 98119

Profile Picture
Dr. Raedene Copeland
Assistant Provost for Inclusive Faculty Excellence
On campus: Demaray Hall 349
By mail: 3307 3rd Ave W, Suite 108, Seattle WA 98119

Profile Picture
Dr. Sandra Mayo
Vice Provost for Inclusive Excellence
On campus: Demaray Hall 253
By mail> 3307 3rd Ave W, Suite 207, Seattle, WA 98119

Profile Picture
Dr. Sandra Mayo
Vice Provost for Inclusive Excellence
On campus: Demaray Hall 253
By mail> 3307 3rd Ave W, Suite 207, Seattle, WA 98119

Profile Picture
Rev. Lisa Ishihara

University Chaplain
On campus: Student Unior Building Room 200 (second floor)
By mail> 3307 3rd Ave W, Suite 207, Seattle, WA 98119
Profile Picture
Ms. Becky Tindall
Interim Human Resources Director

Terry Winn
Assist. Vice President for Human Resources



On campus: 330 W Nickerson St


mail: 3307 3rd Ave W, Suite 302, Seattle, WA 98119


An individual submitting a report may include their name and contact information or may submit the report anonymously. When reporters identify themselves, SPU can follow up to seek additional information and provide referrals to needed resources. If a reporter chooses to remain anonymous, this may limit SPU’s ability to fully investigate and address issues that are raised.

If you choose to remain anonymous, please provide as much information about the incident as possible to help the University respond to the situation. Also, please note that even if you report anonymously, it is possible that the accused may be able to guess the identity of an individual making an anonymous report. If you believe you experience retaliation after making an anonymous report, please contact the Assistant Vice Provost President for Inclusive ExcellenceHuman Resources. SPU employees who have reporting obligations under SPU policy may be obligated to identify themselves when making reports about particular types of incidents.


Upon receipt of a report, the Assistant Vice Provost for Inclusive ExcellencePresident for Human Resources (or designees), in consultation with appropriate offices on campus, will review the report and determine necessary measures to address the incident.


By selecting “Self-Identified,” the reporter can expect:

  • to be contacted by the Assistant Vice Provost President for Inclusive ExcellenceHuman Resources, who will provide an opportunity to further describe the incident and discuss desired outcomes;
  • to be informed of further procedural options, including but not limited to mediation, the Discrimination and Harassment Grievance Procedure, and the Anti-Bullying Complaint Procedure;
  • to receive information on University support resources;
  • to be notified of follow up when appropriate; and that the report will provide data for annual summary reports for the purpose of monitoring bias incidents and (if applicable) for Clery Act compliance.

The person(s) about whom a report is made can expect:

  • to be notified by the Assistant Vice Provost for Inclusive Excellence, President for Human Resources with consent from the alleged victim, that a report has been submitted and to be provided with information about the report. (The accused may also be notified, without consent, if notification is required by law or if the alleged conduct is otherwise sufficiently serious to merit intervention even over the objection of the alleged victim);
  • that no sanctions or formal disciplinary action will be taken as the result solely of submissions through the Bias Incident Reporting System; and
  • that the report will provide data for annual summary reports for the purpose of monitoring bias incidents and (if applicable) for Clery Act compliance.


  • that the report will be received and reviewed;
  • that they will not receive feedback or information about the outcome of their report;
  • that there may be contact from the Assistant Vice Provost for Inclusive Excellence with President for Human Resources with the person(s) about whom a report is made; and
  • that the report will provide data for annual summary reports for the purpose of monitoring bias incidents and (if applicable) for Clery Act compliance.


  • that the report will be received and reviewed;
  • that they will not receive feedback or information about the outcome of their report;
  • that there may be contact from the Assistant Vice Provost for Inclusive Excellence with President for Human Resources with the person(s) about whom a report is made; and
  • that the report will provide data for annual summary reports for the purpose of monitoring bias incidents and (if applicable) for Clery Act compliance.


The University strictly prohibits retaliation against any student or employee who, in good faith, makes a report about a bias-related incident. Any person who believes he or she has been retaliated against can make a report to the to the Assistant Vice Provost for Inclusive Excellence or the Director of President for Human Resources. Any student or employee engaging in any such retaliation is subject to discipline, possibly up to dismissal or termination, as applicable.


The Office of Inclusive Excellence will Human Resources will maintain a record of reported bias incidents and will provide a yearly summary of reported incidents by total number of reported incidents, the type of bias incident, the number of incidents related to each characteristic, and the general locations of the reported incidents. Records of reported incidents will be maintained to identify patterns of reported bias on campus.

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