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Canvas has a calendar tab that displays due dates and events for all the courses a user is actively enrolled in. As a student, you can use the calendar to stay on top of due dates and use the scheduler to sign up for office hours, advising appointments, or other events.

Each course you are enrolled in displays as a separate color corresponding with the courses appearance on your dashboard, which can be customized. You will also have a personal calendar and one for any groups you are a member of. A more detailed tutorial on using the calendar can be found in the Canvas guides.


Due dates that are set for assignments, discussions, or quizzes are automatically shown in the calendar view for all users enrolled in the course. Students can also create personal events on their calendar.

To create an event:

  1. Select the date of the event on the calendar.
    new event pop-up window in Canvas calendarImage Removednew event pop-up window in Canvas calendarImage Added

  2. From the 'Event' tab, enter the appropriate information for the event.

  3. Press 'Submit" when you are done. Your event will now display on the indicated calendar.


    Select 'More Options' to access the content editor and add a description, image, video, external links, or other media to the event. You can also set the event as reoccurring by checking the "Repeat" box. Select 'Create Event' to save your work.

    content editor that allows you to add a description, tiem, location and address and to repeat the eventImage Removedcontent editor that allows you to add a description, tiem, location and address and to repeat the eventImage Added


If your instructor has made an appointment group in the scheduler, you can sign up for an appointment slot by:

  1. Select the 'Scheduler' tab at the top of the calendar page.
    scheduler tabImage Removedscheduler tabImage Added
  2. Select the time-slot you want to sign up for.
    list of available time slots in the schedulerImage Removedlist of available time slots in the schedulerImage Added
  3. Type in any comments you may have and select 'Reserve' to schedule the appointment.
  4. You'll see the appointment you scheduled at the top of the page and in your calendar display.
    Appointment time confirmationImage Removedscheduled appointment visible in the calendarImage RemovedAppointment time confirmationImage Addedscheduled appointment visible in the calendarImage Added

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