An allowable business expense is an expense or a transaction that the University, a faculty, or staff incurs on behalf of the University in exchange for goods or services.
A bid is a vendor's formal statement in response to a formal document outlining, in exact specifications, that they will supply the specified good or service at a specified rate. This is a commitment in writing from a vendor.
Vendor type
Sodexo - do we have to use them for internal catering? What does that really mean?
Restricted Purchases
Some purchase types are restricted and will require additional review and pre-approval:
On-site catering -
Computers - All computer and computer-related purchases should be directed to the CIS helpdesk first. CIS will ensure that the purchase XXXXX.
Furniture - All furniture purchases should be directed to the Facilities department for review and approval. Facilities will ensure XXXX.
Gift Cards - For grant-related gift card purchases, please reach out to the Office of Sponsored Programs who can purchase on your behalf. For non-grant-related purchases of gift cards, please reach out to Finance who will help determine if the purchase is allowable.
Determining the best payment method