Purchasing Authority Thresholds (from July 17, 2023)
(Justin/Jen - I moved this under Purchasing Policies & Procedures heading)
President | 1 | - Any operating budget expenditures included in the annual operating budget approved by the Board of Trustees. |
VP Business and Finance | 2 | - Up to $150,000 for operating budget expenditures included in the annual budget approved by the Board of Trustees. |
Provost/CAO/Other VPs/Asst Provosts | 3 | Up to $75,000 |
Direct reports to Provost/CAO/VPs/Asst Provosts | 4 | Up to $50,000 |
Named positions listed below reporting to Level 4 | 5 | Up to $10,000 |
Named positions listed below reporting to Level 5 | 6 | Up to $5,000 |
Named positions listed below (other roles determined to require purchasing authority) | 7 | Up to $2,000 |