Fixed assets are:
Asset Category | Useful Life (years) | Description |
Buildings | 3050 | Physical structure owned by the University |
Building Improvements | 3050 | Permanent improvements made to buildings owned by the University |
Right-of-Use Lease Asset / Liability | Lease Term | Ensure any lease signed (including, but not limited to buildings, equipment, machinery, etc.) is sent to Recent accounting pronouncements impose additional reporting requirements. The GL Team will need all lease information available. |
Machinery & Equipment | 10 | Devices, audiovisual, computers, machines, equipment meeting the definition of a Fixed Asset. |
Vehicles | 10 | Cars, motorized carts, or any other vehicle meeting the definition of a Fixed Asset (bought or leased). |
Library Books | 20 | Any purchase of a set of library books meeting the definition of a Fixed Asset. |
Furniture & Fixtures | 10 | Furnishings such as seats, couches, desks, tables, whiteboards, display sets, etc. whose cumulative purchase meeting the definition of a Fixed Asset. |
Musical Instruments | 10 | Any musical instruments bought and owned by the University meeting the definition of a Fixed Asset. |
Artwork | Not depreciated | Pursuant to ASC 958-360-35-3, artwork need not be capitalized, and an election is available to treat as artwork fixed assets similar to land. |
Land | Not depreciated. | Land as recorded as a Fixed Asset but is not depreciated. |
Finance must be notified before an asset is sold/disposed.
Asset Inventory Count
Fixed Asset records are verified at least once every two years to ensure that the inventory records within the asset management system are accurate.